Don't Buy Liberalism

Anna Wintour
Biography and Quotes

The Top Liberals in America


Anna Wintour: The The Devil Wears Prada inspiration and Vogue editor is also a major political benefactor for Obama. Besides giving him the $5,000 maximum and the Democratic Party $30,800, she has also bundled more than $500,000 on his behalf.

10 Celebrities Who Have Made Big Donations To Obama While Romney's celebrity support has been mostly verbal, Obama has raked it in from his star backers.
By Seth Cline | Staff Writer Sept. 7, 2012, at 2:38 p.m.


*We do not suggest that any person boycott any one individual or product. Our purpose is to provide Americans with information so that they might choose to support or not support those individuals or products whose values are different to their own.

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